Backpack Program a great success
Each week Haywood High students help pack over 130 bags of food and load them for delivery to students at Anderson, Haywood Elementary and East Side schools to take home on Fridays for the weekend.
The Backpack food club began two years ago as a way to help youngsters who may not have enough to eat over the weekend. Each week, food is ordered and delivered to HHS from E. W. James by the Coordinated School Health Program. On Thursdays students come toward the end of the school day to help “pack the bags.” The food tubs are loaded into cars and taken to the elementary schools to be delivered on Fridays.
“It’s a great way for students to learn about helping others and a great way for families with young children to get a little extra help these days,” Coordinated School Health Coordinator Cindy Smith said. Donations are welcome! The average weekly cost for the food for 136 children is $525.00. Donations may be turned in to Michelle Tillman at HHS or Cindy Smith at the Haywood County Schools Central Office. For more information about the program, call Mrs. Smith at 772-9613.
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