Art Club at Work

Art instruction helps children with the development of motor skills, language skills, social skills, decision-making, risk-taking, and inventiveness.…

The Book Fair Comes to East Side!

Who doesn’t love a book fair?  Who doesn’t remember the excitement of the book fair coming into their school?   With the first issue of the…

Parent Academy : Reading

East Side opened it's doors for Parents to have the opportunity to visit their child's classroom and even take part in a reading lesson. Throughout…

Perfect Score for East Side IS

Congratulations to Sharon Jarrett, Leare Bond and the entire cafeteria staff at East Side Intermediate School. They received a perfect score of…

East Side receives Educational Technology Grant to support STEAM

         Sharon Clark, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) program teacher at East Side Intermediate School,…

Special Luncheon at East Side

East Side Intermediate School was host to a special luncheon on September 24th.  The School Board, County Commission Education Committee members as…

Parent Academy – Math

East Side Intermediate School opened it’s 4th and 5th grade math class doors to parents on September 10th for the Parent Academy - Math.   Parent…

Celebrating Grandparents

East Side Intermediate and Anderson Early Childhood Center  celebrated Grandparents Day with a "Grandparent's Lunch".   Children were encouraged to…

Simmons Bank makes Donation

We would like to thank one of our partners, the Community Development Department at Simmons Bank, for their contribution. The generous donation of…

Commissioner Schwinn visits Haywood County

Tennessee Commissioner of Education, Penny Schwinn, in hoping to have the opportunity to be in every school district within her first year, visited…

Boy Scouts of America

Student's recently had the opportunity to learn about the BoyScouts of America(BSA).  They are the largest scouting organization as well as one of…

East Side plants for the future

Members of the After School Go Green Club planted a tree on the front playground, hoping to provide shade for future East Side students, also in…