Garrett re-elected as Board Chairman
Superintendent Joey Hassell invited a group of students from East Side, known as the Student Lighthouse Team, a part of The Leader in Me program, to visit the September 14 board meeting and talk about their program. They talked about important responsibilities they have, such as helping their community, raising money for the school, making the school a better place, working together, setting personal goals, and naming their strengths and best work and appreciating the good things others have said about them. They said they, “share, work, learn, and have fun together,” and they showed their excitement about sharing their experiences in the program. This is the second year of the Leader in Me Program at East Side Intermediate School, and Principal Sandra Humphreys expressed her pride in the success of the program and the students.
The first order of business at the meeting was to elect chairperson and vice chairperson; Harold Garrett and Allen Currie were re-elected to these positions. Mr. Garrett also made committee appointments: he is serving as the TLN Representative; Harrison Jones, Allen Currie and Olivia Farrington will serve on the Scholarship Committee; Greg Vanstory on the Collaborative Conferencing Committee; and Harold Garrett and Allen Currie on the Budget Committee.
Board members approved out of state travel for 12 members of DECA (business department club) to go to New York to the Experience Marketing Conference November 29-December 3. Teacher Julie Davis will accompany them on the trip.
Members approved changes to five policies as recommended by the Tennessee School Board Association: 1.901 – a new policy about Charter School Applications increasing fees and creating another fee, 1.704 – deleting the old Charter School policy, 4.700 – Now includes more information about Testing Programs, 5.117 – the Teacher Tenure policy was reorganized to clarify the procedures, and 6.2011 – Voluntary Pre-K Attendance (new policy) setting procedures about handling absences in the Voluntary Pre-K program.
Board members also voted to give three appropriate personnel in the Business and Finance Department authorization to use InSouth Bank’s ECORP, including signing documents and granting them access to ECORP systems for Haywood County Schools.
Superintendent Joey Hassell asked board members to approve the Insurance Committee’s recommendation that the school system pay for the insurance increase that will be coming for employees in January. CFO Larry Livingston said the state will be paying for a portion of the increase through more BEP dollars and the school system can afford the difference of about $66,000. They approved the measure. Livingston pointed out that the insurance payment the system covers for employees is a big plus in their salary package.
While going over budget amendments, it was brought up that some substitute teachers don’t make minimum wage, based on the hours they work. There are several categories of substitutes, based on their education. Everyone agreed beginning September 16, that all substitutes would receive $5 more per day. Their salary will be revisited when the board starts working on next year’s budget.
In an updated report from Art Garrett, Associate Superintendent, Chief Student Services Officer, there are 2,992 students in Haywood County Schools. He also reported that the Parent Portal opened on Friday, September 8. The address is https://sis-haywood.tnk12gov/public. To reset password, please email All information in a text alert and posted on
Toni Eubanks, Chief Human Resources Officer, reported that school nurses will be teaching staff members CPR. The back-pack club will begin next week. She also said that there was a substitute orientation held for those who wanted to be a new substitute.
Chief Special Services Officer Chris Davis attended the West Tennessee Special Education Conference September 14-15. He also reported that Ms. Lindsey and Mr. Hines have started transition services at the high school.
The next board meeting will be held on October 13 at 6 p.m.
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