HCS hosts TSBA meeting
Haywood County Schools Superintendent Teresa Russell was the hostess on behalf of the school system for the Southwest Fall District Tennessee School Board Association meeting on Thursday, September 18, at Haywood High School. The meeting began at 4 in the gym and continued with dinner at 6 in the school cafeteria. The HHS Show Choir entertained the crowd with a musical ensemble during dinner.
Forty-five members of the TSBA from area school systems attended the meeting. Lee Harrell and Randle Bennett from TSBA addressed the crowd with legislative highlights and other updates regarding school policy. A highlight of the meeting was when it was announced that Dannon Eubanks was selected to receive the Student Recognition Award for the Southwest District. The HCS School Board was recognized for having 100 percent participation.
Also highlighted during the evening was the Career and Technical Culinary Department. Students in this department, under the direction of Mrs. Vickie Noles, prepared the dinner and dessert and served for the banquet.
“The students who helped during the event exceeded my expectations. Each and every one of them showcased Haywood High School is such a positive light. I was so proud of the work they did to prepare for this evening,” Mrs. Russell said.
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