HCS retirees honored at reception
Eleven Haywood County School retirees were honored Tuesday afternoon at a reception at the Delta Heritage Center. Hosts for the reception were representatives of the HCEA and the Board of Education. Honored were: Board of Education – Dorothy Bond (42 years) and Dr. Samuel Carney (9 total years, 3 years with HCS); Anderson – Mary Jane Hawkins (30 years); Haywood Elementary – Diane Reid (11-½ years); HHS – Freda Goodwin (24 years) and Rita Hathcock (7 years); Sunny Hill – Shelia Turner (17 years) and Pam Smith (32 years); and Transportation Department – James Gavin (30 years), Barbara Bond (20 years), and Ronald Teems (7 years). Each received a plaque, words of appreciation and well wishes from Superintendent Teresa Russell and Board Vice Chairman Allen Currie.
The Haywood County Board of Education met in regular session on Tuesday, July 12. After attending a reception honoring the 2015-2016 retirees, board members met and approved policy changes, approved the use of the football field, and several other measures, including Superintendent Teresa Russell’s 2016-2017 Organizational Chart. Mrs. Russell also welcomed newly appointed Associate Superintendent, Chief Academic Officer Yvette Blue to the board meeting.
On second reading, board members approved 10 policies that are new or updated and changed one sending it back to a first reading. These policies were discussed in detail at the May meeting: 1.407, 3.202, 3.219, 4.605, 4.700, 4.804, 6.204, 6.304, 6.4031, and 6.415. Policy #6.411 about student wellness was changed and will be up for second reading approval at the August meeting.
Representatives of the Haywood Crusaders Football Ministry requested permission to use the L. Z. Hurley Memorial Stadium for four football games to be played in the fall of 2017. After much discussion, the board voted to approve the use of the facility contingent on proof of insurance for the events and the group providing other information that is required by the board.
Board members adopted the yearly agenda for the monthly school board meetings for the 2016-2017 school year. Board meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. Each year, board members are required to approve any athletic practice that occurs during regular school hours. The board agreed to allow this practice at Haywood High School. In other business, Chief Operations Officer Art Garrett presented to the board the Bullying Case Report. His figures for the last four years show that bullying incidents have gone from 43 in the 2013-14 school year down to 14 during the 2015-16 school year. There has been a steady decline each year due to educating the students, parents and staff about what bullying is and how to prevent it and deal with bullying cases.
Mrs. Russell presented to the board the 2016-2017 Organizational Chart for approval: Chief Financial Officer Larry Livingston, Chief Operations Officer Art Garrett, Chief Human Resources Officer Toni Eubanks, Chief Academic Officer Yvette Blue, Executive Director of Assessment and Professional Learning Marjorie Vaulx, Executive Director of Special Services Bernice Thompson, Executive Director of Federal Programs G. Rawson and Executive Director of Physical Operations and Transportation Kenneth Emerson. The board approved the organizational chart.
Mrs. Russell asked board members for their approval of the Discipline Hearing Authority. She asked for the reappointment of Art Garrett as Chairman, Kenneth Emerson, and Opal Hay. She also added Cedric Bunch to replace Dorothy Bond and Marjorie Vaulx to replace Samuel Carney. Yvette Blue will serve as a substitute when needed. After some discussion, Harrison Jones asked that this measure be tabled until the return of the Chairman Harold Garrett at the August Board meeting.
Mrs. Jerilyn Thornton gave a presentation to the board about Reading Railroad, and Kenneth Emerson gave board members an overview of summer maintenance on all school properties.
In closing, Mrs. Russell asked board members to attend a called meeting on Wednesday, July 20, to discuss the 2016-2017 budget. They agreed to meet at 5 p.m.
The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 9, at 6 p.m.
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