March School Board meeting
School Board members and guests were greeted by members of the Haywood Elementary Lighthouse Team. They each talked about the Leader in Me program, the 7 Habits and what responsibilities go along with being selected to serve on the Lighthouse Team. They ended their presentation with their rendition of the Lighthouse song. Everyone was impressed with their performance and with how they shared their enthusiasm for the Leader in Me program.
In other business, the Executive Committee and board members approved several out-of-town trips for the HHS JROTC cadets in March and in April.
Board members also approved tenure for 17 teachers and invited them to take a photo with them for a souvenir of the occasion. Recommended for tenure by Superintendent Joey Hassell were Grace Fergie and Crystal Foster from Anderson; Christina Carl, Beverly Grimes, Elizabeth McCage, and Jamie Rutkowski from Haywood Elementary; Tanika Pickens and Sally Rogers of East Side; Rachel Dryer and Shaquana Leonard from Haywood Middle School; Julie Davis, Jennifer Friedman, Sarah Haynes, James Moss, and Shandi Sheets from Haywood High, and Julian Stanz from Sunny Hill.
Everyone agreed to proceed with the tearing down of the old bus shop that has been condemned. In addition, there was an agreement to dispose of or sell a list of surplus equipment that is no longer in use.
Approval was requested by the Superintendent to submit the SAVE Act Compliant Package.
Nine of 11 policy updates presented by the Tennessee School Boards Association were either adopted or changed as presented: 4.206 – About Special Programs – on hold for now; 4.603 – Promotion and Retention – changes and plans for a better retention plan; 4.605 and 4.606, which involved graduation requirements and graduation activities; 4.700 – Testing Programs – Requirements about assessment methodology; – 5.802 – Qualifications and Duties of the Director of Schools – changes for best practices; 6.200 – Attendance – on hold for now; 6.319 – Alternative School Programs – Removes outdated language and adds updates more in line with the state; 6.405 Medicines – outlines procedures and the administration of medicines; 6.4052 – Opioid Antagonist – NEW POLICY – This puts in the schools medicine needed to treat an Opoiod overdose. This will only be administered by school nurses; 6.4051 – Glucagon and Diazepam Gel (Diastat) NEW POLICY – types of medications that can be given at school.
The board approved the 2018-2019 School Calendar. School begins for students on August 3. Students are out for Labor Day on September 3, Fall Break – October 8-12, Thanksgiving Break – November 19-23, Winter Break – December 21-January 3, Martin Luther King Day – January 21, President’s Day – February 18, Spring Break March 25-29, Good Friday April 19, and last day of school is May 24. Haywood High Graduation is May 18, 2019. (To see the entire calendar, go to and click on the HCS 2018-2019 Calendar on the front page or click on the Calendar Page on the left.)
In other business, board members approved Summer School dates, 5-29 through 6-22, and discussed Teacher Appreciation Week, May 7-11. They also heard from CFO Larry Livingston that the balance in the Catherine Calhoun Scholarship Fund is $206,552.44. Budget amendments were also approved. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 12, at 6 p.m.