TDOE Releases District & School Level TVAAS Data
What is TVAAS?
- The Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS) measures student growth year over year, regardless of whether the student is proficient on the state assessment. In calculating a TVAAS score, a student’s performance is compared relative to the performance of his or her peers who have performed similarly on past assessments.
- TVAAS generates scores for teachers, students, individual schools, and the district at large on a scale from 1 (significantly below) to 5 (significantly above).
- The Tennessee Department of Education makes this data available for any stakeholder via its website, so we encourage families and community stakeholders to review it at their convenience.
District Highlights & Celebrations
- As a district, we saw improvements in our system-wide effectiveness levels in Numeracy moving from a 1 to a 3, and system-wide Science moving from a 3 to a 4
- With our EOC effectiveness levels, we saw strong results in Numeracy with a Level 5 and Science with a Level 5
- Our schools are committed to moving the needle on student growth and we are home to almost 50 teachers who are meeting and exceeding exceeding expectations.
Opportunities for HCS
Although we saw pockets of success with Numeracy and Science, our system-wide composite has been a Level 1 for the past two consecutive academic school years (2021-22 SY and 2022-23 SY).
- Our greatest opportunity as a district is strengthening LITERACY.
- At our high school, we have an opportunity to improve student outcomes on the ACT which is directly connected to strengthening literacy proficiency district-wide.
- As a district where most students follow the traditional “Anderson to Haywood High” feeder pattern, we also have an opportunity to strengthen our network of schools by ensuring all students have consistent access to high-quality instructional experiences that are aligned with the state standards.
The Path Forward
While there is an immense amount of work to be done, the district has established a clear path forward that will support our schools in addressing the diverse needs of our students and setting them up for success.
- During Summer 2023, the district’s Academic Team has been restructured to include content specialists that provide content-specific support for teachers and school leaders including an Early Literacy Director for Pre-K through 2nd Grade and ELA Director for grades 3-12.
- Previous iterations of the Academics Team focused on grade bands and not necessarily specific content areas
- Having content specialists allows the district to differentiate the support provided to teachers and leaders at a deeper level.
- Professional learning has been centralized by the Academics team which includes monthly touchpoints for school administrators and District Learning Days throughout the school year for teachers.
- Each month, principals, assistant principals, and PLC Coaches have a dedicated day to spend with the academic team focused on building their capacity as instructional leaders which is then turned into direct support for teachers at the school level.
- Each school has a dedicated Instructional Leadership Team comprised of teacher leaders who also support specific content areas at the school level.
- Schools also have new teacher mentors that support teachers with ZERO years of experience at a 1:2 ratio.
- The Instructional Facilitator role has been reconfigured into the PLC Coach who focuses on the facilitation of strong professional learning communities across all grades/content areas as opposed to focusing on a certain grade or a specific content area.
- PLC Coaches receive direct support from the academic team that is differentiated based on the unique needs of that school site
- The district has adopted common formative assessments across K-12 to track student progress and mastery of state standards.
- Maximizing 21st Century & TN All Corp funding, the district will continue to provide tutoring for students who are performing one or more grade levels below their current grade.
- Haywood High School will be implementing an ACT Prep curriculum to support high school teachers in preparing students for the ACT using research-based best practices and resources.
- Leveraging funding from the Tennessee Department of Education to provide targeted support for the district’s two priority schools.
- Beginning this fall, schools will begin to host Family Data Nights to ensure students and families understand their data and the resources that are available to reinforce concepts learned at school in the home setting.
For public access to district & school level TVAAS results, please visit
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