Lauren Markowski Receives Renaissance Scholarship


Lauren Markowski Renaissance scholarship web

Haywood High School senior Lauren Markowski signed in May to receive a Renaissance Scholarship at Bethel University to participate in the theatre and arts program there. She will receive $8,000 per year for four years. She will also play golf for Bethel.

Joining her at the signing were (seated from left) Brian Hill, Director of the Renaissance program at Bethel; her parents, Lory and David Markowski; and (standing) HHS Drama teacher Allyson Byrum and Principal Dr. Jerry Pyron.

Lauren is in the Distinguished Scholars program at HHS, has a 4.0 GPA, and is a member of the Beta Club and other clubs, the HHS Show Choir and has participated in the school plays. She and her family attend Gracepoint Church in Jackson, Tennessee.