2015 Regional Academic Decathlon

2015 Academic Decathlon Team web

Members of the 2014 Academic Decathlon Team are Daniel Bradford, Silvestre Morales, Jaylon Douglas, Kezira Horton, Ryan Watson, Chars Edwards, Quinton Douglas, and Will Clinton.
For the thirtieth year, the West Tennessee Regional Academic Decathlon was hosted by Haywood High School.  The HHS team placed second overall and third in the Super Quiz event.  Haywood High’s team left the competition with 37 medals, six plaques, and the second-place trophy.  Individual winners were as follows:

Chars Edwards – Bronze Medals in Super Quiz and Art

Copper Medals in Science, Music, and Math

Fifth Highest Individual Score – Varsity Division

Jaylon Douglas –   Bronze Medals in Super Quiz, Science, Music, and Math

Copper Medals in Social Science and Literature

Fourth Highest Individual Score – Varsity Division

Silvestre Morales – Bronze Medals in Super Quiz and Literature

Copper Medal in Social Science

Fifth Highest Individual Score – Scholastic Division

Quinton Douglas – Bronze Medals in Super Quiz and Math

Copper Medal in Literature

Daniel Bradford –  Bronze Medals in Super Quiz, Math, and Literature

Copper Medals in Science, Music, and Art

Fourth Highest Individual Score – Scholastic Division

Ryan Watson –  Bronze Medals in Super Quiz, Math, and Literature

Copper Medals in Social Science, Science, Art, and Economics

Fifth Highest Individual Score – Honor Division

Kezira Horton – Bronze Medal in Super Quiz

Copper Medal in Literature

Will Clinton –          Silver Medals in Art and Literature

Bronze Medal in Super Quiz

Copper Medals in Music and Math

Fourth Highest Individual Score – Honor Division

The HHS team will advance to state-level competition in February along with first-place winner Madison Academic Magnet High School and third-place winner Liberty Technology Magnet High School from Jackson. The team and coaches express their appreciation to the faculty, administration, and staff who helped with this event.