Anderson Pep Rally recognizes student achievement


Students at Anderson had lots of fun celebrating their academic successes for this past six weeks. Students were recognized for wonderful accomplishments in reading, writing, math, conduct, and character development. The Family Resource Center also presented awards to students who had read the most books. The students who read the most books this six weeks were preschooler Landon King, and following him were Anna Elrod and Emily Winberry, who read the next two highest numbers of books. Over 7,000 books were checked out at the FRC this past six weeks! That’s a lot of reading! And finally, we announced the Principal’s Club students who displayed outstanding effort in the classroom and all over school this six weeks. One lucky student, Taniya Howard, was chosen to receive the Rotary Club bicycle and Police Department safety gear! What a fun way to get smart! Hooray for Anderson!008 002 003 004 005 006 007