STEMC announces Washington Your Tour 2016 winners

Felescia Sanders 2 webElliot Garrett web

Southwest Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation (STEMC) recently announced the local 2016 Washington Your Tour winners. Felescia Sanders is the all-expense paid Washington, D.C., trip winner. Her story was awarded the highest grade in the junior class of Haywood High School. A representative of STEMC said the story, entitled “Electric Cooperatives: Powering Everyday Life,” was filled with creativity, along with details on how the cooperative serves our communities. In addition to the trip winner, STEMC also awards a second-place cash prize to another student at Haywood High. Elliot Garrett is the winner of the $75.00 cash prize for 2016. “STEMC congratulates each student for being a participant this year and is proud to offer this opportunity yearly at Haywood High,” said Marilyn Means, Marketing and Energy Services Coordinator for STEMC.