East Side students walk across Tennessee 3.9 times

Fourth and fifth graders at East Side participated in a physical activity program during the winter called, “Walk Across Tennessee.” Students (and teachers) kept up with the amount of physical activity they did outside of school hours for about two months. Each fifteen minutes equals one “mile.” When finished, log sheets are tallied to see how many minutes, hours, and miles of physical activity they completed. This event is sponsored by the Health Department and Coordinated School Health.

Melissa Griffith’s class won fifth grade with a total of 446.4 miles, and Samantha Wiley’s class won fourth grade with a total of 1,388.4 miles! Also participating was Cindy Moore’s class, who contributed 53.6 hours worth of physical activity. The object of the activity is to improve health through physical activity. Also worth mentioning … Samantha Wiley contributed 469.3 of the total miles by herself. That would be from here to Greeneville, Tennessee!

Submitted by Cindy Smith, HCS Coordinated School Health