East Side Walks Across Tennessee … 15 times!!!

Students at East Side participated again this year in an after-school physical activity program called “Walk Across Tennessee.” Each 15 minutes of physical activity counts as “a mile” and then are totaled by classroom participation as a whole. This year’s winners were: 5th Grade – Mrs. Katrina Hill’s class, who logged 2,982 “miles” worth of physical activity and 4th Grade – Mrs. Samantha Wiley’s class, who logged 1,611 “miles.”

Other classes who participated were, Emerson, Latimer, White, Pirtle, Kelso, Piercey, D. Bond, L. Bond, Cress Moore, Morris, Frost, and Crider. Counting all the miles walked for all students totaled 4,384 miles! Fourth graders “walked across Tennessee” 8.05 times! Fifth graders “walked across Tennessee” 7.46 times!!!

“Coordinated School Health, the Health Department, and UT Extension office all partner in this healthy activity. T Shirts Plus printed the cute T-shirts that the winning classes received. Many thanks to all the teachers who participated in making their students healthier,” said Cindy Smith, School Health Coordinator