East Side Walks Across Tennessee …17 Times


Students at East Side participated in an eight-week physicES exercises webal activity program sponsored by Coordinated School Health and UT Extension 4-H program. They recorded the number of minutes spent doing any physical activity each day, then turned in weekly log sheets to their teachers. Each 15 minutes of activity equaled “one mile.” CSH

Fifth grade logged 66,060 minutes of physical activity, equal to 4,404 (15 minute) miles, equal to walking across TN 10.0 times! The fifth-grade class that logged the most time was Ms. Katrina Hill’s class.

Fourth grade logged 46,375 minutes of physical activity, equal to 3.091 (15 minute) miles, equal to walking across TN 7.02 times! The fourth-grade class that logged the most time was Ms. Jennifer Emerson’s class!

Three fourth-grade students individually logged the most physical activity and received a small prize for that. They were: Jeb Banks, for 2,942 physical activity minutes; Leighanna Baker, for 1,765 physical activity minutes; and Molly Nichols, for 1,275 physical activity minutes. WAY TO GO, EAST SIDE! Thanks to all the students, parents, and teachers who helped make this a successful and healthy program for these students!

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