Mrs. Lovelace Receives VFW Award

Mrs. Elizabeth Lovelace was surprised on Monday, April 29, when she was presented with a check for $100 to be spent at her discretion for the students in her classroom.  The check was presented by Mr. Ray Dixon, Mr. Daniel Thornton, Mr. Barry Presley, and Mr. Danny Presley, members of Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 4838.


The V.F.W. had notified the school system that they would like to donate monies for an outstanding teacher in the system. The administrative staff at schools nominated five teachers in the system. The nominees were then presented to the Central Office administration, who selected one teacher to receive the award. Teachers were evaluated on student achievement, involvement with school activities, and cooperative spirit. Mrs. Lovelace was selected for her outstanding contributions to Haywood Elementary School.


Mrs. Lovelace is married to Mr. Kevin Lovelace, and she is looking forward to many more years of service to the students of Haywood County.


Congratulations, Mrs. Lovelace, keep up the good work!