September 29, 2016
ES Synergy Session a success
Parents and administrators from HES and Sunny Hill were among those in attendance at East Side’s first Synergy Session for 2016-2017 on September……
September 29, 2016
Once upon a time …
Once upon a time at Anderson, there was a story. We are here to read it!
September 29, 2016
ES students enjoy Arts in Schools program
Achana Jarrett, Cultural Arts Supervisor for the Brownsville-Haywood County Parks and Recreation Department/ Brownsville-Haywood County Arts…
September 28, 2016
Anderson celebrates HHS Homecoming
The Anderson Cubs cheered on the Tomcats as they celebrated Homecoming on September 23.
September 28, 2016
2016 Tomcat Football Homecoming
Chamaya Phinesse Crowned HHS Homecoming Queen In a ceremony at halftime during the HHS Homecoming Friday night, Chamaya Phinesse was crowned…
September 25, 2016
Anderson computer lab has a new look!
Take a look at the Anderson computer lab makeover! Computer lab teacher Kelly took this classroom from blah to ahhhh! Another teacher, Cheri…
September 24, 2016
Commissioner McQueen visits HHS
Haywood County School officials welcomed Tennessee Education Commissioner Candice McQueen to Haywood High School on September 7. Greeting the…
September 24, 2016
Tamya Clark crowned HMS Homecoming Queen
Haywood Middle School held its Homecoming Tuesday, September 20, and Tamya Clark was crowned Queen. First maid was Emani Hopkins, and second maid was…
September 24, 2016
HHS Girls Chorus performs
The Young Women in Harmony Festival (Sweet Adeline's International) was held on Saturday, September 17, in Memphis. After a day of singing,…
September 22, 2016
The Arts at Anderson
Students, faculty and staff were celebrating Arts in Education recently with Ashauna Jarrett, musician Bobby Stokely, and various Anderson performing…
September 20, 2016
East Side welcomes Grandparents
Lots of East Side students enjoyed a lunch visit from their grandparents during the annual Grandparents luncheon. The cafeteria was full of students…