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HCS Board holds May meeting

The School Board met in regular session on Tuesday, May 10. Superintendent Teresa Russell gave board members an overview of the spring sports at…

DECA students attend IMC

  Haywood High School DECA students, advancing from the DECA State Marketing competition, attended the International Career Development…

ES Basketball Shoot-out scores!

East Side boys with their fathers or significant father-type figure were treated to a basketball shoot out on April 5th as one Haywood County's C-3…

HMS students earn recognition

Pictured are Drew McBride, Elizabeth Kirby and Ann-Wesley Banks. Three Haywood Middle School students recently qualified for state recognition based…

HHS choirs rock!

HHS choirs rock the stage in Florida By Mary-Wyatt Pettigrew The Haywood High School Show Choir, known as Voices of Haywood, and Girls Ensemble,…

Students “Walk”

As part of Public Health Week in Tennessee, schools across the state were asked to "Walk to School" on April 5. Since it is impossible for so many…

Coloring at Anderson

We always have a colorful time at Anderson Early Childhood Center! In keeping with that tradition, we held a coloring contest in honor of Child…

HHS Distinguished Scholars honored

The Haywood High School Class of 2016 Distinguished Scholar Recognition Banquet was held Tuesday, April 26, in the HHS cafeteria. Recognized…

East Side students “Walk Across Tennessee”

  Students at East Side recently completed an eight-week physical activity challenge called “Walk Across Tennessee.” It is part of UT Extension…

Anne Marie Sceals earns 30+ Club membership

  Anne Marie Sceals, a senior and the daughter of Valerie and Barry Sceals, recently earned membership into the prestigious Haywood High School…

GEAR UP sponsors Lambuth Tour

Haywood County GEAR UP TN sponsored at trip for sophomores and parents to tour the University of Memphis at Lambuth on April 19. Students and…