Nursing Students Partner With School Health Services

Nursing students in Haywood High School Career and Technical classes have partnered with School Health Services to provide Haywood County School’s annual student health screenings again this year. Coordinated School Health, the nurses, the Health Department, and Health Education teacher Julie Taylor provide the training for these students before they go to the schools to help screen our students. Once trained, they will help screen between 1,200 and 1,500 students’ hearing, vision, height, weight, or blood pressure. This is very important work, since not only are the results going home to the parents of our students, but they also go to the State Department of Coordinated School Health to help form the counties’ health ranking in the state for this year.

“We are very fortunate to have such a professional group of students who are dedicated to providing accurate health information for our students,” said Coordinated School Health Coordinator Cindy Smith.

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