TTC At Whiteville Visits REACH Academy

REACH Academy seniors welcomed a presentation by the Tennessee Technology Center at Whiteville on March 6. The GEAR UP Tennessee program provided the incentive – pizza and drinks for students attending the presentation at the REACH academy.

Academic Dean of the REACH Academy, Drayton Hawkins, welcomes the staff and students of the Tennessee Technology Center @ Whiteville.


The Tennessee Technology Center @ Whiteville gave an in depth presentation to the seniors at the REACH Academy as a part of the GEAR UP program.  The presentation was given by Jacquene Walker, Student Services Coordinator.   Ms. Walker discussed the requirements needed to enroll as a student at the Technology Center @ Whiteville, as well as the different programs offered at the school.

Joshua Mobley, instructor of Electronics Technology/Industrial Maintenance, demonstrates the use of a specialized computer program that helps Tennessee Technology students detect faulty circuits in the Electronics and Industrial Maintenance Program.

REACH Academy student, Marcellus Moore, gets a hands on demonstration, as instructor Mobley allows Moore to attempt to use the program and find the faulty electric circuit.


Current Tennessee Technology Center at Whiteville students, known as “student ambassadors,” demonstrated a project they built in their Automotive Technology Program.  The project was used to detect broken connections in automotive wiring systems.