Career Day Celebration

Haywood Elementary welcomed about 20 local businesses, public service agencies and school organizations for its annual Career Day celebration on…

REDI College Access Program begins

Cohort I of the REDI College Access Program is up and running! The REDI College Access Program stresses the importance of post secondary education,…

HHS FCCLA members attend Leadership meeting at UTM

Mrs. Nekita Johnson and Mrs. Denita Jarratt recently took members from their FCCLA Chapters to The University of Tennessee at Martin to attend the…

HE students celebrate apples!

Students in Mrs. Elizabeth Lovelace’s first-grade eCLASS recently learned all about apples and Johnny Appleseed. In celebration of Johnny Appleseed’s…

Sunny Hill Open House offers

Assistant Principal Ms. Jackie Whitten, Mrs. Abby Hooper, and the Sunny Hill Leadership Team did an excellent job with Sunny Hill’s open house. The…

ARC Representative Sue Hart visits culinary arts classes

Ms. Sue Hart, a representative with the Jackson Chapter of the American Red Cross, came to all of the Culinary Arts classes at Haywood High School…

HE students celebrate the “Red, White and Blue”

Haywood Elementary was an exciting place on Friday, September 10. Students were able to wear red, white, and blue to show their patriotic spirit in…

Ms. West named GCA Employee of the Month

“Ms. Linda West was the GCA Employee of the Month for August,” said East Side Assistant Principal Dr. Amy Harris. “Linda serves as the lead custodian…

Haywood students enjoy science

Recently Haywood Elementary second-grade teacher Susan Evans had a “special science expert” stop by for a visit and demonstration. Susan’s husband,…

Pot-bellied pig “Fiona” visits Anderson

Kindergarten students visited with a real pot-bellied pig named Fiona last week. They had recently read the story “Julius,” about a pig with no…

And the winner is …

These two young ladies were the winners of the drawing from our Scavenger Hunt during the Anderson Early Childhood Center Open House. They won lots…

Preschoolers make look-alikes

Preschoolers in Mrs. Leslie Phillips’s 3-year old class are learning about their bodies and their feelings. The made themselves .... aren’t they…