Senator Gresham visits HCS

Senator Delores Gresham, Senator for District 26 including Haywood County, came to Brownsville on Friday, March 2, to visit several local schools.…

Senator Gresham visits HCS  

Senator Delores Gresham, Senator for District 26 including Haywood County, came to Brownsville on Friday, March 2, to visit several local schools.…

Senator Gresham visits HCS

  Senator Delores Gresham, Senator for District 26 including Haywood County, came to Brownsville on Friday, March 2, to visit several local…

Sunny Hill TOY

Sunny Hill Innovative Learning Center Teacher of the Year Julian Stanz is a history teacher at Sunny Hill Innovative Learning Center and teaches…

HHS Career & Technical TOY

HHS Career and Technical Teacher of the Year Brandlin Turner, a CTE Nursing teacher, currently leads the Health Science team of the Career and…

Haywood High School TOY

Haywood High School Teacher of the Year Holly Chilcutt is an English teacher at Haywood High School and also serves as the Lady Tomcats’ softball…

Haywood Middle School TOY

Haywood Middle School Teacher of the Year Charita Perry teaches grades 6-8 LRE/CDC classes at Haywood Middle School. She has seven years of teaching…

East Side Intermediate TOY

East Side Intermediate Teacher of the YEar Leigh Anne Allen is a fifth grade teacher at East Side Intermediate School with 25 years of teaching…

Haywood Elementary TOY

Haywood Elementary Teacher of the Year Lacey Gaylord is a third grade Reading and Language Arts teacher at Haywood Elementary School where she has…

Anderson TOY

Anderson Early Childhood Center Teacher of the Year Crystal Foster teaches kindergarten at Anderson Early Childhood Center. She has 16 years of…

Schools announce Teachers of the Year

The Haywood County Schools Board of Education met on Thursday, February 8, with a full slate of business. The first order of business was an…

Teen dating violence is not OK!!

Haywood High Student Health Council members assist Coordinated School Health and the Health Department in getting the message out to students that…