Third-graders win Positive Behavior Award

East Side’s school-wide Positive Behavior Program Award went to Ms. Janet Grammer’s third-grade students for their excellent behavior in the…

Students celebrate the U. S. Constitution

On Friday afternoon, September 10, East Side students, faculty, and staff met outside and formed a circle to commemorate the 223rd anniversary of the…

East Side welcomes guests at September 16 open house

East Side faculty, staff and students enjoyed welcoming families and guests to their open house on September 16. Everyone enjoyed the theme, “Night…

InSouth Money Bee visits East Side students

InSouth’s Money Bee made a visit to East Side Elementary recently and is pictured here with Ms. Janet Grammer’s third-grade class.

Anderson students share their lessons with board members

Anderson Early Childhood Center was host for the School Board Lunch/Visit in late September. Following their meal, students visited to share some of…

Anderson students receive recognition at Pep Rall

On Friday, September 24, Anderson Kindergarten students celebrated their accomplishments of the first six weeks. Students gave “Andy” big high fives…

Anderson student receives Principal

This lucky and excited Anderson student was the Principal’s Club bicycle winner that was given at the school’s first pep rally by the Rotary Club,…

Bus 77 represents Haywood County Schools

The Haywood County Schools District Office staff created this Scarecrow entry for the annual contest on the courthouse lawn and did it with…

Second Grade First Six Weeks Awards

The Haywood Elementary second graders also celebrated their accomplishments at their awards ceremony. Mrs. Jean Wills was their guest presenter.…

First Grade 1st Six weeks Awards

Haywood Elementary first graders recently celebrated their achievements at the first six weeks awards program. Deputy Superintendent Teresa Russell…

Pouncer Penny Party

In recognition of the School Wide Positive Behavior campaign, Haywood Elementary students who had earned the most pennies for the six weeks had 30…