Thirteen graduate from REACH Academy

  The REACH Academy, at its Sixth Annual Commencement Ceremony, celebrated the success of 13 graduates on Tuesday, December 13, at Sunny Hill…

Blue Beard???

  Our Cubs are "purr"fectly amazing! They passed their reading goal by leaps and bounds. The Anderson Cubs read more than 20,000 books!!! Their…

Students collect food for families

Students collect food for families Mrs. Valerie Sceals’ class at Haywood Elementary collected 65 cans for our local Carl Perkins Center. This food…

HES students have “Giving Hands”

Haywood Elementary School had a "Giving Hands" community service project. The students donated over 520 items, including hats, gloves, mittens,…

HES students complete Act of Kindness

The Haywood Elementary after-school Show Choir-Art Club did an Act Of Kindness project for December. They donated money to help buy gifts for a…

Marketing students visit Bass Pro

  Haywood County GEAR UP TN took a group of junior and senior students from Mrs. Julie Davis's marketing and event planning classes at Haywood…

Thirteen graduate from REACH Academy

  The REACH Academy, at its Sixth Annual Commencement Ceremony, celebrated the success of 13 graduates on Tuesday, December 13, at Sunny Hill…

GEAR UP parents to Lambuth

GEAR UP parents received a customized tour of the University of Memphis at Lambuth to see the campus, classrooms, and dine in the cafeteria on…

Parents and students tour Peabody Hotel

Haywood County GEAR UP TN took students and parents on a culinary tour of the Peabody Hotel in Memphis on October 27. The group toured the facilities…

HMS holds Book Fair

Haywood Middle School held a book fair in their library the first week in December.

HHS Choirs present Christmas musical

Members of the Haywood High School choirs, under the direction of Dr. Melinda Goedecke, presented a Christmas musical in the College Hill Theater on…

Choir sings for School Board members

Students from East Side and Haywood Middle School came together as a choir to sing several Christmas songs for the Haywood County School Board…