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Haywood Elementary Students Enjoy Pep Rally

Important Announcement Due to safety concerns along the route and in the float staging area for both participants and spectators, the parade has been…

Literacy Night a success at Anderson Family Resource Center

Anderson students and parents enjoyed their first Family Resource Center’s Literacy night. Mrs. Ragan Baumheckel, the Anderson campus director, and…

Kindergarten students enjoy first Pep Rally

Kindergarten students had fun at their very first academic awards pep rally this Friday to celebrate the end of a great first six weeks of school.…

“M” is for mustache

  “M” is for mustache, milk, mouth, and mouse! Students in Mrs. Leslie’s class read, “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,” and had fun painting milk…

Students learn from activity packed lessons

Students in Miss Elizabeth Becraft’s kindergarten class have been studying sets of numbers 0 - 5, counting, writing, and American symbols. They…

Students make themselves

Are they cute, or what?  Students in Mrs. Leslie Phillips’ three-year-old class have been studying body parts, so they “made themselves.” Didn’t…

Fiona visits Anderson students

Kindergarten students enjoyed a visit with Fiona the pig last week. They had been reading Julius, a story about a pig. Fiona belongs to Tessa…

G is for Grandparents

    That is what we learned recently as our cafeteria flooded with grandparents! Students enjoyed eating lunch with their grandparents and…

East Side Shopping Spree “nets” learning

East Side teachers Foster, Garvey, Glass, Johnson and McCage all set up classroom stores with various items in them. Each item had a specific price…