Industrial Maintenance – Creating a Path Forward for Students

Traditionally, the world of education has orbited around four core academic subjects - Reading, Math, Science, and History.  Other subjects have…

Cindy Moore – STEAM – Haywood Middle School

The STEAM program at Haywood Middle School (HMS) is Haywood County Schools (HCS) students’ last stop before entering high school and possibly…

HCS State Testing Data – 2021

When I was a teenager, I would grab the paper every morning before school and shuffle as fast as I could to the Sports section.  My eyes would skim…

King Picked to Lead Project AWARE

Last month, Haywood County Schools (HCS) was one of three counties in the state of Tennessee to be awarded the Project AWARE Grant.  AWARE stands for…

TSU gives big to HHS

HAYWOOD HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS AWARDED FULL SCHOLARSHIPS Tennessee State University (TSU) announced that any member of the 2022 graduating class of…

Sunny Hill collects 4,200 cans for Carl Perkins Center

Sunny Hill Intermediate School put the ‘giving’ in Thanksgiving this year when students and staff showed up and showed out for the school’s first…

Michelle Tillman – Beginning With the End in Mind at Haywood Middle School

Ask any teacher, principal, or school district employee and they would most likely tell you that the most challenging grade band to teach would be…

Rachel Winberry – STEAM – East Side

After learning the basic principles of STEAM at Anderson Early Childhood Center and Haywood Elementary, Haywood County students begin to put those…

Ebonie Harrell – STEAM – Sunny Hill

Students at Sunny Hill Intermediate School are building on their STEAM foundations learned at Anderson, Haywood Elementary, and East Side and moving…

default new HCS logo


Haywood County Schools (HCS) is one of three school districts in the state that has been awarded funding from the Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness…

Brittany Avent – Shaping the Culture at Haywood High School 

There are multiple ways to get to a destination.  Different routes can all lead to the same place, but some may take a little longer than others.…

Truancy Intervention Program in HCS Provides Support to Families

The first step of any student’s learning process begins in the classroom.  If a student does not attend class, the student will not be able to reach…